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Can't create a Escrow tipit, says 'Insufficient Bitcoins'

I tried to create an esrow tipit but when I attempt to create it I am met with the message:
"Sorry, you don't have enough bitcoins to create and tip a new escrow tipit."

I had 0.12 BTC -- there should be no minimums, I assume.

sgornick, 25.05.2011, 07:15
Idea status: completed


AyKarsi, 25.05.2011, 07:20
you're right. having 0.01 btc should be enough..
I'll check it right away!
AyKarsi, 25.05.2011, 10:49
fixed and deployed
sgornick, 25.05.2011, 19:01
Well, having 0.1 btc PLUS the amount that YouTipIt subtracts as a fee should be enough.

Otherwise, if I sent 0.01 BTC and YouTipIt gets that as the fee, then the recipient went through a bit of work with no gain, and I as the tipper feel like a heel as a result.

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